Cruciate Ligament Tear in Dogs

If your dog suddenly starts limping or has difficulty putting pressure on his back legs, there’s a good chance that your pup tore his cruciate ligament (similar to the common ACL tear in humans). The cruciate ligament connects the femur to the tibia at your dog’s knee joint.  The cruciate ligament helps stabilize the dog’s…

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Labradoodle Breed Info

The Labradoodle, originally from Australia, was bred to be a hypoallergenic and a guide dog. In the late 1980s, Wally Conron, who led the Australian Royal Guide Dog Association is renowned for having bred the first litter of Labradoodles, which was a cross between a Standard Poodle and a Labrador Retriever. While they have never…

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Pet Insurance that Covers Spaying and Neutering

Spaying and neutering your pet is a responsible action for a pet owner to take. However, the surgery can be costly, which can prevent many pet owners from going through with it. Having an insurance policy that will help with the costs of the procedure can be a tremendous financial relief and improve your dog’s…

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Irish Water Spaniel

The Irish Water Spaniel first appeared in the early 1800s primarily from a kennel by a man named McCarthy. His bred his dog, who he called “Boatswain,” who then had a litter of what looks like today’s Irish Water Spaniel breed. Mr. McCarthy never revealed the exact source of the actual breeding, even upon his…

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Can Dogs Eat Peanuts?

Who doesn’t love peanuts?! Or maybe the better question is who doesn’t love peanut butter?  I would think there’s a universal love of peanut butter for most of us. After all, peanut butter and jelly is an American staple! And peanuts are great too!  Whether just plain and unsalted or even in brownies, trail mix…

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Eye Problems in Dogs

There are many different eye problems that can plague dogs, many of which are congenital conditions that the dog is born with or even hereditary conditions that are developed later in life. Other eye issues are just the normal progression of the aging process in our dogs, particularly issues like Cataracts and Glaucoma. Symptoms of…

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Pet Insurance Benefit Limits Explained

Pet insurance can be very helpful to cover any illness or condition that your cat or dog might encounter. However, navigating through the policies can be very difficult and even confusing. You need to decide on the type of coverage, which deduction to choose, reimbursement levels and the list goes on! One of the more…

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Cancer in Cats | Symptoms and Treatment

It’s the diagnosis that no pet parent wants to ever hear. That your cat has cancer. While the news is heartbreaking, cancer in cats is becoming more common as our cats are living longer. While cancer usually occurs in older cats, around 12 years old, it can affect cats of all ages, even those that…

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Chinese Crested

The Chinese Crested dog is not originally from China. They’re actually from either Mexico or Africa and were later bred to be smaller dogs in China. The Crested were believed to have been companions of Chinese sailors in the early 1500s where they hunted vermin and helped catch fish. The Chinese bred the Crested to…

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Can Dogs Eat Oranges?

Oranges are a favorite fruit that tends to be available all year around.  Not only do they taste great, but they are filled with Vitamin C. Most kids and adults love oranges and they’re relatively inexpensive and ripen quickly. Whether we make juice out of oranges or just slice them up, they tend to be…

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